Alimosho Local Government has graduated 100 primary school pupils trained for six months in various vocational skills.

The training, which was made compulsory for all basic five and six pupils across primary schools in Alimosho, was integrated in their academic curriculum.

The pupils, according to the authorities, were given equal chances of being trained on different vocations such as Tailoring/Fashion designing, Barbing, Shoe-making and Hair-Dressing.

At the end of the six months training, they were assessed and the successful ones were enlisted for graduation.

At the graduation ceremony held on Wednesday 31 July, 2024 at the local government Secretariat, Akowonjo, the pupils in affirmation of their efficiency, show-cased their ability by plaiting hair, making shoes, sewing a dress and barbing to the amazement of community leaders, local government staffs and parents.

Encouraged by their reported proven performances, the Council, Chairman, Mr. Jelili Sulaimon, presented certificate and a set of complete work tools to each of the 100 pupils.

Speaking at the event, the Executive Secretary, Alimosho Local Government Education Authority, Mrs. Airat Alamu, said the initiative was first its kinds in Lagos State.

According to her, it’s a major step towards the progress of the pupils and the communities.

Other speakers appreciated the council chairman for his “unrelenting effort towards the growth of the younger generation and creation of a better future for them.”

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