By Adeyemi Sulaimon

The authorities of Oshodi-Isolo Local Government have set up a committee that would work on a proposed bill on Child Rights Protection.

The setting up the committee was the outcome of deliberations at a stakeholders’ gathering held last Thursday at the council Legislative chamber.

The Child Rights protection bill, when passed, would create an enabling environment for the prosecution of defaulters.

The committee has four-week time frame to complete its assignment.

The stakeholders’ meeting was hosted in collaboration with the Terre des homes foundation Nigeria.

The Chairman of the Local Government, Hon. Idris Muse Ariyoh, during his opening address, affirmed the need for drastic actions in arresting the menace of Child Abuse in the society.

Represented at the event by his Vice, Hon Dasis Osho, the chairman explained that government would provide a legal instrument to curb the menace.

“The issue of Child Abuse is on the front burner. The Government have a major role to play in ensuring that the challenge is degraded in the society through which the environment would become a safe haven for them,” he said.

The facilitator, Mr Kunle Peter, said that the protection of child’s right was the primary way to protect the children that would enhance the fight against child abuse.

“There is the need for an increase in awareness on the system value of child’s right and protection which is the reason our has come to partner with Oshodi -Isolo Local Government in making bye-law based on the universal and federal existing laws to help domesticate the promulgation on Child right protection,” he noted.

He advised the local government to make budgetary provisions for implementation of Child Rights and domesticate bye laws on child protection and abuse.

“The Local Government legislative arm becomes important in fighting child’s abuse and other challenges confronting the child as they are the government closer to the grassroots.

The formulation of a legal instrument on child’s protection, according to Mr Peter, would assist NGOs in combating the menace.

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